Becoming - Words and Extracts


Posted by edith on September 12, 2020

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  1. keep track of their children: 了解他们孩子的最新状况

  2. on the poor side of the neighborhood spectrum: 在街邻四坊中算穷的人家

  3. live stuffed in a house: 挤在一间房子里

  4. tilt the way other neighborhood had: 和其他社区一样发生了同样的变化 ;tilt - 倾斜

  5. blight: a deteriorated condition; “The neighborhood business closing one by one, the blight setting in”; set in 到来

  6. a mayhem of unruly kids and flying erasers: mayhem - \mā-əm \ willful damage or violence; 不服管教的孩子和被扔来扔去的橡皮一片混乱

  7. assert control: to compel or demand acceptance or recognition of; 维护(课堂)有序

  8. act out: 把…付诸行动 / to express (something, such as an impulse or a fantasy) directly in overt behavior without modification to comply with social norms; The students used it as an excuse to act out

  9. think the worst of us: 认为我们是坏小孩

  10. a grim, under-lit room: grim - SAVAGE; 一间乱糟糟、昏暗的房间

  11. every hour there felt hellish and long: 每一个小时,都过得度日如年,仿佛在地狱一般

  12. puke-green chair: 呕吐物的绿色 (???)

  13. funnel my anger through my mother: 将我的愤怒都宣泄给我母亲

  14. fume about my teacher: 对我的老师感到非常生气; to be very angry about someone or something

  15. She never indulged my outrage: indulge - HUMOR 她从来不迁就我的愤怒

  16. whine: 牢骚

  17. behind-the-scene lobbying: 默默地游说

  18. give a battery of tests: 做一连串测验

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  1. reinstalled into a bright and orderly class: 重新安排到的明亮有序的班级

  2. no-nonsense teacher: 正经老师

  3. adults not invested enough to help children learn: 成年人你不够投入精力来帮助孩子们学习

  4. wry: cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous

  5. forth-right person in any room: 到哪儿都是直率的人

  6. nudging me to go outside and engage with kids in the neighborhood: 劝我出去走走,和街坊里的孩子们一起玩

  7. glide socially the way my brother had: 也能像我哥哥一样,游刃有余地进行社交

  8. a growing sensation on the basketball court ???

  9. left him to wrangle the neighborhood talent: to obtain by persistent arguing or maneuvering

  10. passing the monkey bars and swing set: monkey bars 猴架 (供儿童攀爬) swing set 秋千

  11. thug: 恶棍

  12. set me straight: 让我放心

  13. unlock every frontier: 打破每一道边界

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  1. snag a spot in a pickup game: snag - to get or to obtain,or something that is difficult to obtain; 在临时赛中找到场地

  2. talk a friendly form of smack, trash-talking his bigger, faster opponentssmack - boastful or insulting language especially between opponents; trash-talk - disparaging, taunting, or boastful comments especially between opponents trying to intimidate each other; 和那些比他高、比他快的对手说话的时候,明明“口吐芬芳”,却又显得十分友好

  3. credo of my father: 信条

  4. the sketchy guys who hung out in front of the corner liquor store lit up when they spotted Craig, calling his name and high-fiving him as we passed by: 即便是那些在街角卖酒的商店里瞎晃悠的那些问题小子看到Craig也会喜笑颜开, 在我们路过时叫着他的名字和他击掌。

  5. go to a rec camp run by the city at a beachfront park: rec camp - recreational camp 娱乐营; run by the city - 市里办的; beachfront park - 滨海公园

  6. mellow: 成熟的

  7. with many daylight hours still to fill: 还有好多白天的时光去填满

  8. tailing Craig: 跟着Craig

  9. full of kids playing softball and jumping double Dutch: softball - 垒球; double Dutch - 长跳绳

  10. I faced a test. It came in the form of DeeDee, a girl who wore her face in a pout and was always ready with an eye roll: 我面临一场考验。DeeDee就是考核官 (in the form of - in the person of,以……的形式)。她是一个整天噘着嘴的女孩,随时都准备对人翻白眼。

  11. athletic and pretty: 健美

  12. make quiet, cutting remarks: 刻薄

  13. ruin everyone's day

  14. My morale began to sink. 我的意志开始退缩了。

  15. I could continue on as the picked-on new girl, I could give up on the Parkway and just go back to my toys at home: picked-on - bullied;

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  1. I lunged for her, summoning everything my dad had taught me about how to throw a punch: lunge - a quick thrust or jab; throw a punch - 出拳

  2. The two of us fell on the ground, fists flailing and legs thrashing, every kid in Euclid Parkway instantly clustered in a tight knot around us, their hollers fueled by excitement and grade school bloodlust: fists flailing and legs thrashing - 拳打脚踢; flail/thrash - 动; 聚集起来,在我们周围密密麻麻站成一圈; 充满着激情和学生的那种噬血欲叫喊着; holler - 叫喊

  3. silent baptism:沉默的洗礼

  4. cruising: [开车]兜风

  5. uppity: \ ˈə-pə-tē \ 傲慢的

  6. I’d been all for it: 我双手赞成

  7. innately: 与生俱来的

  8. maintain some savings for a rainy day: 为穷困的日子存一点积蓄

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  1. indulge every question we asked: to treat with excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration

  2. juvenile: \ ˈjü-və-ˌnī(-ə)l \ 幼稚

  3. grill my parent about things we didn’t understand: 抓住某人对某个问题刨根问题

  4. blitz them with follow-ups: blitz - 闪电战,意译可能是用后面一连串问题连珠炮式地向他们提出疑问

  5. her stance on eggs: 她关于鸡蛋的立场

  6. never sugarcoat what they took to be the hardest truths about life: sugarcoat - 粉饰; took to be - 认为是

  7. feel the breeze off the water: 感受水面上吹来的微风

  8. got a brutal tongue-lashing from my mother: lash - 鞭打; tongue-lashing - 斥责; 被我妈妈好一顿斥责

  9. It was a thing we’d always have to navigate: navigate - GET AROUND 这是我们必然会经历的事情。

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  1. Our family was never going to be house poor: 我们家庭从来不会因房致穷

  2. My father operated from a practical place: 我的父亲从实际出发

  3. Strip one's nerves: 失去神经感知

  4. As a family, we sustained ourselves with humble luxuries: 我们偶尔奢侈一下来来维系生活

  5. report cards: 成绩单

  6. the Air and Water Show: 空中水上表演

  7. butter pecan: 奶油胡桃 \ pi-ˈkän \

  8. fenced-off peninsula: \ pə-ˈnin(t)-s(ə-)lə \ 栅栏隔开的半岛

  9. filtration plant: 滤水场

  10. fighter jet: 战斗机

  11. swoop in the formation: 排列成队形俯冲;

  12. a grassy lawn rivaled that of any penthouse on Lake Shore Drive: rivaled of - 可以与…媲美的; penthouse - 屋顶房间

  13. Skyway: 天桥/航线

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  1. skirt the south end of Lake Mitchigan: 沿着密歇根湖的南边开车

  2. pop: SODA in Britain English, 汽水

  3. kitchenette: \ ˌki-chə-ˈnet \ a small kitchen or an alcove (壁龛) containing cooking facilities

  4. with a mustache that tipped down the sides of his lips like a scythe: 像一把镰刀一样沿着他的嘴唇垂下来 \ ˈsīṯẖ \

  5. his chest and arms were thick and roped with muscle, testament to the athlete he’d once been: 他的胸膛和手臂都非常厚实,长满了肌肉证明了他曾经是名运动员

  6. his diminished legs suddenly less of a liability: 他那萎缩的腿突然不再是什么问题了; liablity - DRAWBACK

  7. It soon seemed that anyone who had the means to go was now going: 任何有打算走的人都走了

  8. Yacker: 话特别多的人; 书里是Yacker family,不确定是什么意思

  9. put a down payment on a house: 为房子付了首付

  10. have a wicked sense of humor: 挺幽默的,这里wicked没有邪恶的意思

  11. keep up with each other: 保持联系/保持人际交往

  12. fall into the neighborhood's gossip cycle: 不像那些整天八卦的邻居一样变成八婆

  13. give the two of them an instant bond: 让他们两个人之间有了联系的纽带

  14. draw my mother to her: 吸引我妈妈亲近她

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  1. not just a housing subdivisions, but a full village designed for about thirty thousand people: 住宅区; 一个完整的社区

  2. paragon of suburban life, with mass-produced houses and cookie-cutter yards: \ ˈper-ə-ˌgän \ a model of excellence or perfection; 批量建造的房子和样板式的庭院

  3. one of my dad’s days off: 休息天

  4. the fabled suburbs: 传说中的郊区

  5. a sterile-looking shopping plaza:

  6. a miniature city of tract homes: tract housing - 地区性住宅,沿着道路建造的一模一样的房子

  7. modest ranch-style-places with soft gray shingles and newly planted saplings and bushes out front: 牧场式

  8. ratty guys: 小混混

  9. his new pack of suburban brethren: \ ˈbret͟h-rən \ BROTHER的复数形式 他的那些郊区认识的新兄弟

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  1. had a pleasant enough catch-up with old friends: 聚一聚

  2. dead on his feet: 累得筋疲力尽

  3. Something about the place had put me on edge: 让我紧张/焦虑起来

  4. unwittingly outed them: out - to identify someone publicly as being such secretly

  5. conspicuous: \ kən-ˈspi-kyə-wəs , -kyü-əs \ OBVIOUS to the eye or mind

  6. overtly: \ ō-ˈvərt-lē , ˈō-(ˌ)vərt- \ OVERT - open to view `
  7. gulch: \ ˈgəlch \ a deep or precipitous cleft - RAVINE

  8. the tail of the car:

  9. withstander: 很能忍的人

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  1. sit well with somebody: not agree with/not like e.g: My father must have had to drive the car to work the next day looking the way it did and I’m sure that didn’t sit well with him.

  2. The gash in his chrome didn’t stay for long: gash - 划痕 wound or cut / chrome 汽车的镀铬装饰

  3. the body shop: 汽修店