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  1. The iPhone 13 could ________(与 iPhone 12 价格持平), or it could cost even less. Here’s all the ________(消息) we’ve heard about Apple’s next iPhone so far.

  2. Although we don’t ________(了解官方发售日期) yet, the iPhone 13 ________(各种小道消息) has already started with gossip about the new iPhone’s possible cost.

  3. We have some thoughts on whether to buy a new iPhone 12 now or wait (the addition of the purple iPhone 12, however, might ________(改变您的决定) somewhat).

  4. But without knowing for sure how much the iPhone 13 will it be it’s ________(一个艰难的决定).

  5. We’ve ________(一直关注着更多的传言), ________(泄露的信息) and clues about the price of Apple’s next flagship phone, but so far there isn’t much news.

  6. We’ve also gathered the rumors ________(围绕着...的)the iPhone 13’s camera specs, design and colors (will there be a pink iPhone 13?) and the phone’s rumored features.

  7. But in the meantime, we can ________(做一些有根据的猜测) on the iPhone 13’s price.

  8. Because of this, analysts are predicting that the iPhone 13 will cost about the same as the iPhone 12, ________(基础款) of which starts at $799 (£799, AU$1,349).

  9. Since the iPhone 12 led to the largest revenue and profit quarter in Apple’s history, the company may be incentivized to follow a similar pricing structure.

  10. For more, check out our review of the iPhone 12 and the best ways to sell or ________(以旧换新) your old iPhone.