Edit me

Day 1

  1. Uncle Pet came next. Uncle Pet was a tall man with ________(一种很尖锐刺人的机智) and a raunchy sense of humor.

  2. But ________(这种魅力之下隐藏着暴脾气).

  3. He refused to speak to the police about the incident or ________(诉诸诉讼).

  4. When I found his giant marijuana plant in the backyard of the old homestead, he didn’t try to ________(对它进行解释).

  5. I feared this because, according to ________(家里的传说), Mamaw had nearly killed a man.

  6. Mamaw walked outside to see two men loading the family’s cow—________(宝贵的财产) in a world without running water—into the back of a truck. She ran inside, grabbed a rifle, and fired a few rounds. One of the men collapsed—the result of a shot to the leg—and the other jumped into the truck and ________(尖叫着逃跑了).

  7. The would-be thief could barely crawl, so Mamaw approached him, raised ________((工具或武器)行使主要功能的那一头) of her rifle to the man’s head, and prepared to finish the job. Luckily for him, Uncle Pet intervened.

  8. Even knowing what ________(持枪的疯子) Mamaw was, I find this story hard to believe. I ________(逐一询问) members of my family, and about half had never heard the story.

  9. Each time someone stole a bike from our porch (three times, by my count), or broke into her car and took the ________(零钱), or stole a delivery, she’d tell me, like a general giving his troops marching orders, “There is nothing lower than the poor stealing from the poor.

  10. These men were ________(口口相授传下来的家族传统的守门人), and I was their best student.

  11. Most of this tradition was far from ________(少儿适宜).

  12. Almost all of it involved the kind of violence that should ________(足以让人坐牢).

  13. One of the most common tales of Breathitt’s gore ________(围绕着) an older man in town who was accused of raping a young girl.

  14. In an admirable display of journalistic pith, the paper reported: “Man found dead. ________(违规违法的行为) expected.”

  15. My people were extreme, but extreme ________(服务于) something—defending a sister’s honor or ensuring that ________(犯罪是要付出代价的).

  16. There’s definitely ________(a core accuracy at the heart of a claim or narrative) to that.

  17. But more than anything, the Blanton men were ________(活化石) of the hills of Kentucky.

  18. When ________(叶子变色) in October, it seems as if every mountain in town is on fire.

  19. Mamaw shielded me from the worst of Jackson, but you can keep reality ________(在无法靠近的地方) only so long.

  20. My curiosity piqued, I looked closer and counted no fewer than eight pairs of eyes, all looking at me from three windows with an unsettling combination of fear and longing.

  21. An epidemic of prescription drug addiction has ________(扎根了).

  22. She was an academic star in high school and later earned a college degree, the first ________(在她三口之家(与单亲家庭 single-parent family相对)) to do so.

  23. This tendency might ________(造就) ________(心理承受能力), but it also makes it hard for Appalachians to look at themselves honestly.