Edit me

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  1. My laidback brother started to ________(开始有了忧惧): laidback - 无忧无虑/闲适懒散的

  2. The boy who could ________(在街坊里一路击掌打招呼):

  3. who blithely catnapped anytime he had five minutes: blithe - carefree / catnap - doze off / nod

  4. ________(灾难正在来临): A disaster is not long in coming

  5. He ________(养成...的习惯) wearing a blindfold, learning to ________(行走于) our living room ________(靠感觉):

  6. amputation: 截肢

  7. House fire was ________(经常发生的事) in Chicago:

  8. ________(一部分原因是) slumlord who let their buildings ________(进入失修状态) and were all ________(为能够得到保险赔偿金雀跃不已) when a fire tore through: slumlord - 贫民窟包租公

  9. Inside our ________(紧密的城市网络), fire was ________(现实)

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  1. ________(剥夺家园和人心的安宁)

  2. afro: 非洲发型

  3. no prayers or platitude capable of ________(填补空白): \ ˈpla-tə-ˌtüd , -ˌtyüd \ a banal, trite, or stale remark

  4. three closed caskets at the front of the room: 精致的盒子

  5. lid: 盖子

  6. We’d been ________(进行了...的训练) of teacher-led evacuation drill.

  7. dutifully ________(熬过讲座) in a conscientious or obedient manner

  8. ________(加强/改进/赶快干) on safety at home

  9. family fire marshal: OFFICER

  10. ________(指挥我们的父母)

  11. bleacher: 露台
