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  1. Gomez was one of 28 US Congress members ________(错误的匹配) ________(面部照片) of people who’ve been arrested, as part of a test the American Civil Liberties Union ran last year of the Amazon Rekognition program.

  2. This is part of a CNET special report exploring ________(好处和坏处) of facial recognition.

  3. The findings ________(加深了对于…的日益增长的担心) among civil liberties groups, lawmakers and even some ________(科技公司) that facial recognition could harm minorities as the technology becomes more mainstream.

  4. ________([面部识别]科技已经在…得到了应用) iPhones and Android phones, and police, retailers, airports and schools are slowly ________(终于认可了[这项技术]).

  5. But studies have shown that facial recognition systems ________(在…方面更困难) identifying women and darker-skinned people, which could lead to disastrous ________(假阳性).

  6. But the technology isn’t perfect, and there’ve been some embarrassing ________(公共错误).

  7. ________(代价) of being misidentified are heightened when law enforcement agencies use facial recognition to identify suspects in a crime or ________(找到) people in a protest.

  8. “When you’re selling [this technology] to law enforcement to determine if that individual is wanted for a crime, ________(那完全是另外一回事情),” said Gomez.

  9. If a company uses photos from a database of celebrities, for example, it would ________(偏向) white people because minorities are ________(较少地出现) in Hollywood.

  10. Studies have shown that people have a harder time recognizing faces of another race and that “cross-race bias” could be ________(深入到/渗透) artificial intelligence.

  11. Then there are challenges dealing with the lack of color contrast on darker skin, or with women using makeup to hide wrinkles or ________(以不同的发型装束), she added.

  12. “We have all these ________(主观性强、缺乏约束力的概念) of what diversity means,” said John Smith, lead scientist of Diversity in Faces at IBM. “So the intention for IBM to create this data set was to ________(深入研究) the science of how can we really measure the diversity of faces.”

  13. Amazon has said that it uses training data that reflects diversity and that it’s ________(教育用户好的习惯).

  14. Even as tech companies strive to improve the accuracy of their facial recognition technology, concerns that the tools could be used to discriminate against immigrants or minorities aren’t ________(消失).

  15. In part that’s because people still ________(全力克服) bias in their personal lives.

  16. Civil rights groups and tech firms are ________(呼吁政府介入).

  17. The ACLU has ________(呼吁) lawmakers to temporarily prohibit law enforcement from using facial recognition technology.

  18. Some lawmakers and tech firms, such as Amazon, have asked the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which evaluates facial recognition technologies, to ________(竖立行业标准) and ethical best practices for racial bias testing of facial recognition.