Obtain base-knowledge of DOM
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The window object

The window object is the parent object of the browser. As the top-level object, you may omit it while implementing dom trees.

For instance, you don’t necessarily write window.alert('This is a message!). Just put it like this, alert('This is a message).

Query selectors

  • getElementById(): Still in use
  • getElementsByClassName(): Depreciated
  • getElementsByTagName(): Depreciated
  • Query selectors:
    • querySelector(): single selector, means it simply selects the first match
    • querySelectorAll(): most recommended
      // equals to console.log(document.getElementsByClassName('item'));

querySelector and querySelectorAll works much like JQuery. querySelector is a single selector while querySelectorAll gives a node list which is quite similar to an array.

Loop Through

// Gives a node list
const items = document.querySelectorAll('.items');

// loop through the node list
items.forEach((item) => console.log('item'));