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Page 50

  1. …live in my ________(临近的社区)

  2. I felt ________(嗞嗞的期待感) every time the phone rang.

  3. There was nothing ________(惊天动地的) or especially inspiring about it.

  4. Because what was a basketball game ________(假使不会有这么多男孩的身影的话)?

  5. I’d wear my snug (snuggest) jeans and ________(加...于人) some extra bracelets and sometimes bring one of the Gore sisters along to ________(让我在看台中更显眼).

  6. the pulse of maleness and all its mysteries ________(充分展示)

  7. blurt

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  1. ________(每个人都在自己的空间适得其所).

  2. And I don’t think she ________(让他参与到...来) on whatever alternative life she might have been dreaming about during those times.

  3. You can live for a hundred straight days beneath an iron-gray sky that ________(紧紧合上,仿佛是城市上空的加盖般).

  4. Snow falls in dozens of ways, in heavy overnight dumps and daytime, sideways squall, in demoralizing sloppy sleet and fairy-tale billows of fluff. There’s ice, usually, lots of it, that shellacs the sidewalks and windshields that then need to be scraped. … City snowplow ________(轰隆隆地穿过大街小巷) as the white snow gets piled up and sooty, until nothing is pristine.

  5. A slow reversal begins.

  6. It can be subtle, a whiff of humidity in the air, a light lifting of the sky.

  7. There are little ________(嫩芽的小疙瘩) on the trees.