Edit me

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  1. CONSTITUENT: 选民 \ kən-ˈstich-wənt \

  2. often with me reluctantly ________(在一起/拖着)

  3. a hunched-over widow or a big-bellied factory worker with a can of Michelob peering through the screen door: hunched-over - 驼背的; big-bellied - 大腹便便的; screen-door: 纱门

  4. musty sofa: 发霉的

  5. …, while my dad ________(聆听回馈) – complaints, really – that he’d then pass on to the elected alderman who controlled the ward: alderman - 市议员 \ ˈȯl-dər-mən \; ward - 辖区 a division of a city for representative, electoral, or administrative purposes

  6. Snow plowing: 铲雪

  7. … when elections ________(又到日子[大选]了)

  8. He never ________(急匆匆打发人走).

  9. He clucked approvingly at pictures of cure grandkids, patiently endured gossip and long litanies of ________(健康问题), and nodded ________(善解人意的) at stories about how ________(钱多么紧缺): cluck - to express interest or concern

  10. He had little interest in being a passive ________(工具/道具).

  11. He had no intention of ________() the unconscious guy on the floor.

  12. ________(脸朝上的) on the living room.

  13. … waiting to feel Craig’s hand ________(紧紧地相互勾住) beneath his shoulders

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  1. My brother managed to drag 170 or so pounds of ________(背着死沉的父亲) backward through the imaginary inferno that ________(在他那青少年未满的心绪中奔驰): inferno - 地狱

  2. ________(站起来).

  3. lug him down the stairs: lug - 拉或拖

  4. more willing to ________(对着这个疯狂世界中乱七八糟的事情打开心门)

  5. My natural resistance to chaos and spontaneity had been ________(磨损) somewhat through all the hours I’d spent trailing my father through his precinct visits: spontaneity - voluntary or undetermined action or movement \ ˌspän-tə-ˈnē-ə-tē \; precinct - 辖区 WARD

  6. ________(顺便来看) on our aunts

  7. exuberant: \ ig-ˈzü-b(ə-)rənt \ joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic

  8. an affable, cinnamon-colored shepherd: affable - 讨人喜欢的; cinnamon - 肉桂色 \ ˈsi-nə-mən \

  9. … listening to his tail ________(摇尾) anytime Southside walked past