Edit me

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  1. …ready to sprawl on the kitchen floor to ________(玩抛石游戏)

  2. We ________(analyze and interpret minutely) whatever had gone on that morning at school, ________(我们对老师的抱怨), any assignments that struck us as useless.

  3. ________(这为她进入我们的世界打开了一扇方便之门).

  4. She often stood by quietly, ________(忙活一些家务琐事).

  5. The phone’s ________(绕圈电话线) stretched ________(拉紧的) across the hallway from its wall-mounted base in the kitchen.

  6. There was, for a time, a citywide ________(一体化运动) to ________(用公车运载) kids to new schools.

  7. The school ________(承办幼儿园直至8年级教学).

  8. As I was entering seventh grade, the Chicago Defender, a weekly newspaper that was popular with African American readers, ________(刊登了一篇言辞刻薄的评论文章) that claimed Bryn Mawr had gone, in the span of a few years, from being one of the city’s best public schools to a “________(变弱了的) slum” governed by a “________(贫民窟心态)”.

  9. a ________(胖胖的/圆润的) man

  10. ________(受挫感,是一种在其真实兑现前就已然长期存在的感觉).

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  1. a predatory real estate agents roaming South shore all the while

  2. My mother ________(不信任何这些话).

  3. She didn’t ________(信以为真从而散布恐慌) and at the same time seemed equally inoculated against any sort of ________(天上掉馅饼的理想主义).

  4. She was a ________(彻头彻尾的实在论者).

  5. At Bryn Mawr, she became one of the most active members of the ________(家委会), helping raise funds for new classroom equipment, ________(举办谢师宴), and ________(游说) for the creation of a special multi-grade classroom that catered to higher-performing students.

  6. inherently

  7. But it was also ________(迅速增长) as a movement around the country, and for my last three years at Bryn Mawr I was a ________(受益人).

  8. I joined a group of about twenty students from different grades, ________(分开) in a ________(独立的) classroom apart from the rest of the school with our own ________(休息), lunch, music, and gym schedules.

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  1. The independent learning setup only served to fuel my ________(竞争力).

  2. I ________(穿过/通过所有的课程), quietly ________(密切注意) ________(我在同学中的排名) as we charted out progress from ________(长除法) to ________(初级代数), from writing single paragraph to ________(交上完整的研究论文).

  3. ________(传统的家庭主妇)

  4. chaperone

  5. We ________(生活拮据) but didn’t often discuss its limits.

  6. ________(钩织桌布)

  7. …putting a new ________(罩子/沙发套) on the sofa, ________(置换出) the photos and framed prints that hung our walls

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  1. When the weather turned warm, she did a ________(例行春季大扫除), ________(四面出击) – vacuuming furniture, laundering curtains, and removing every ________(遮挡风雪的护窗) so she could ________(清洁[清洁剂牌子]) the glass and wipe down the sills before replacing them with screens to allow the spring air into our tiny, stuffy apartment.

  2. scour

  3. ________(瓦楞纸)

  4. …so that we’d have a ________(假的) chimney that ran all the way to the ceiling…

  5. a ________(以假乱真的) fire

  6. hors d'oeuvre

  7. ________(桌面游戏/棋类游戏)

  8. ________(镇定自若的禅宗式中立态度)

  9. I had friend whose mothers ________(驾驭[人生中的]起起伏伏) as if they were their own, and I knew plenty of other kids whose parents were too overwhelmed by their own challenges to ________(根本没有什么存在感).

  10. even-keeled

  11. travail

Day 47

  1. Advice, when she offered it, tended to be one of the ________(煮过头的/不动感情的) and ________(实用主义) variety.

  2. I came home ________(喷出/喷涌) complaints.

  3. Her goal was to ________(推向世界).

  4. agonize

  5. titillate

  6. condone

  7. Craig finally confessed the whole home-alone scheme, expecting or maybe just hoping that my mom would ________(大发雷霆) and forbid him to go.

  8. buttress

Day 48

  1. a ________(少女bra)

  2. Diane was in my grade, and Pam ________(低一年级), each with a kind of ________(镇静的/有自制力的) grace that seemed to come naturally.

  3. emanate

  4. upbeat

  5. There was one much old brother who was ________(几乎让人忽略的存在).

  6. hoping for a ________(意中人) to ride his bike down the block…

  7. So it was a blessing to have found some sisters to ________(共同度过那几年) together.

Day 49

  1. flirt

  2. It was fun to ________(身处于这样的期望之中).

  3. ________(他们的精力蠢蠢欲动,他们的声音变深沉)

  4. …walking around in ________(超短裙) and ________(吊带衫), their expression cool and confident as if they knew some secret, as if they now existed ________(在另外一个维度上), while the rest of us remained uncertain and slightly dumbfounded, waiting for our ________(征召令) to the adult world, foul like on our growing legs and young in a way that no amount of lip gloss could yet fix.

  5. I became aware of ________(我身体可能引起的不利因素) early.

  6. I moved around the neighborhood now with more independence, ________(独立于我的父母).

  7. I passed a group of men clustered on a street corner, careful not to ________(遇上他们那在我的胸口和腿上游走的视线).

  8. The flimsy partition that Southside had built for us years earlier ________(拆了).

  9. I moved into what had been my parents’ room, they ________(搬到了) what had been the kids’ room.

  10. My new bedroom was dreamy, complete with a blue-and-white floral bed skirt and pillow ________([枕]套), a ________(很酷的) navy-blue rug, and a white princess-style bed with a matching dresser and lamp – ________(几乎一模一样的复制品) of a full-page bedroom layout I’d liked in the Sears catalog and been allowed to get.