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  • vouch
  • laconic
  • propensity
  • implacable
  • threadbare


  1. My temper I dare not ________(担保/保证).

  2. But Mrs. Bennet, who had calculated on her daughter remaining at Netherfield till the following Tuesday, which would exactly finish Jane’s week, ________(无法强迫自己做某事) receive them with pleasure before.

  3. And enough was said of wishing them to stay at least till the following day to ________(努力说服某人) Jane, and till the morrow, their going was deferred.

  4. Elizabeth ________(兴高采烈地告别了众人).

  5. ________(我的看法很难轻易消除,无论尽了多大努力改变).

  6. He wisely resolved to be particularly careful that ________(不能流露出任何倾慕的痕迹), nothing that could ________(增长她的希望,以为她能够操控他的幸福). Sensible that, if such an idea had been suggested, his behavior during the last day must have material weight in confirming or crushing it.

  7. They found Mary, as usual, ________(醉心钻研) of ________(声学) and human nature, and had some new extracts to admire, and some new observations of ________(陈旧的道德观念) to listen to.