Edit me


  • pecuniary
  • connivance
  • elopement


  1. I ________(与其说是相信,不如说是希望他是真诚的), but, ________(不管怎样), was perfectly ready to ________(同意) his proposal.

  2. But last summer he was again most painfully ________(强迫我给眼神).

  3. But I was ________(当时捉摸不了我自己) to know what could or ought to be revealed.

  4. And being now free from all restraint, his life was ________(游手好闲、放荡不羁的生活).

  5. He ________(放弃权力) to assistance in the church, were it possible that he could ever be in a situation to receive it, and accepted in return three thousand pounds.

  6. He applied to me again by letter for the ________(推荐).