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  1. ________(Mrs. Bennet 满脸笑容), as the carriage drove up to the door.

  2. The ________(心安理得傲慢无礼的样子) of the young couple, indeed, was enough to provoke him.

  3. Their arrival was dreaded by the elder Miss Bennets, and Jane more especially, who gave Lydia the feelings which would have ________(伴随) herself, had she been the culprit, and was wretched in the thought of what her sister must endure.

  4. Elizabeth had not before believed him quite equal to such assurance, but she sat down, resolving within herself to ________(不划定界限[这里是指下限]) in future to the impudence of an impudent man.

  5. His countenance rather ________([脸色]相当严峻), and he scarcely opened his lips.