Edit me


  • impart
  • whimsical
  • unassuming
  • embargo


  1. But he is a ________(慷慨的) master, I suppose, and that in the eye of a servant comprehends every virtue.

  2. Nothing had ever suggested it before, but they now felt that there was no other way of accounting for such attentions from such a ________([能提供帮助/信息或作出反应的]人群/个人) than by supposing a partiality for their niece.

  3. As they were now approaching the scene of her former pleasures, every idea ________(让自己深陷于[某种情绪]) the charm of recollection.

  4. I shall not ________(拿他的话当真) about fishing, as he might change his mind another day, and ________(不准我进他的庄园).

  5. Elizabeth here felt herself ________(有必要做某事) to say something ________(辩护) his behavior to Wickham, and therefor gave them to understand, in as ________(谨慎的/有保留的) a manner as she could, that by what she had heard from his relations in Kent, ________(他的行为完全可以有另外一种截然不同的解释).