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  • trifling
  • sedateness
  • aloof


  1. There is not one of his tennats or servants ________(BARRING) what will give him a good name.

  2. At length, every idea seemed to ________(让他无话可说).

  3. ________(依我看), it is only because he does not ________(喋喋不休地说话) like other young man.

  4. There was certainly at thie moment, in Elizabeth’s mind, a more gentle sensation towards ________(画中人) than she had ever felt ________(在他们接触最多的时候).

  5. The commendations bestowed on him by Mrs. Reynold ________(绝非等闲).

  6. In what a disgraceful light might it not strike so vain a man! It might seem as if she had purposely ________(让自己和她遇上) again.