Edit me


  • sanction
  • headstrong
  • coquetry


  1. And I ________(相信) that when sanctioned by the ________(明令) of both your excellent parents, my proposals will not ________(失败于某事) being acceptable.

  2. She endeavored to ________(拉拢Jane帮腔), but Jane, ________(极其委婉地拒绝干涉).

  3. While the family were ________(闹哄哄), Charlotte Lucas came to spend the day with them.

  4. The refusal ________(是她害羞矜持和性情娇羞的自然流露).

  5. If therefore she actually persists in rejecting my suit, perhaps it were better not to force her into accepting me, because if ________(可能受..影响的) such defects of temper, she could not contribute much to my felicity.

  6. Mr. Collins was not ________(留他很长时间在某事上) to the silent contemplation of his successful love, for Mrs. Bennet having dawdled about in the vestibule to ________(留意着这场对话的结果).

  7. We are all ________(在争吵).

  8. ________(去叫她下来).

  9. She talked to Elizabeth again and again, ________(利诱威逼轮番上阵).

  10. ________(谁也不站我这边。谁也不和我一伙。谁也不可怜可怜我那脆弱的神经).