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  • sagacity
  • nupitial
  • effectuate
  • patronage


  1. Young great ladies ________(对这些事情总是非常敏锐) as these.

  2. But I may ________(谅[做不了后面的事]) even your sagacity to discover the name of your admirer.

  3. This young gentleman is blessed in a peculiar way, with everything ________(凡人之心所能渴望的)________(富丽堂皇的财产,高贵的家族,广阔的血统?).

  4. Yet, in spite of all these tempatations, let me warn my cousin Elizabeth, and yourself, of ________(冒冒失失同意这位先生的求婚将会招致多大的祸害).

  5. But this perfect indifference and your ________(明显的) dislike make it so delightedly absurd.

  6. I shall not ________(拿...开玩笑) your impatience by reading what he says on that point.

  7. I am truly rejoiced that my cousin Lydia’s sad business had benen so well ________(隐瞒/掩饰).

  8. Your daughter Elizabeth, it is presumed, will not longer bear the name of Bennet, after her eldest sister has ________(放弃[姓氏]) it.

  9. We have reason to imagine that his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, does not ________(对这门婚姻不赞成).

  10. Could he, or, the Lucases, have ________(选出/选定) any man, within the circle of our aquantance, whose name would have ________(更能证实他们所说的完全是子虚乌有的事)?

  11. You are not going to be ________(耍小姐脾气/表现得小气), I hope, and pretend to be affronted at an idle report.

  12. For what do live, but to ________(让邻居们一乐), and laugh at them in our turn?

  13. Nay, when I read a letter of his, I cannot help giving him the perference even over Wickham, ________(尽管) I value the imprudence and hypocrisy of my son-in-law.