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  • regime
  • irremediable
  • penitential


  1. It was supposed that Lorenzo Daza was ________(有钱人), because he lived well with no known employment and had paid ________(真金白银) for the Park of the Evanglels house, whose restoration must have cost him at least twice the purchase price of two hundred gold pesos.

  2. His daughter was studying at the Academy of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, where for two centuries young ladies ________(有社会地位的) had learned the art and technique of being diligent and submissive wives.

  3. In any event, it was an expensive school, and the fact that Fermina Daza studied there was sufficient indication of her family’s economic situation, ________(即便社会地位并不一定如此).

  4. But her father’s strict regime soon ________(带来) an irremediable difficulty.

  5. At her side, struggling to keep up with her, the aunt with the ________(棕色的袈裟) and rope of St. Francis did not allow him the slightest opportunity to approach.

  6. So he decided to send Fermina Daza a simple note written on both sides of the paper ________(用公证员般漂亮的字体).

  7. He ________(将自己的秘密吐露给了他的母亲), ________(唯一可以交心的人).

  8. It would only frighten the girl of his dreams, who she supposed was as ________(缺乏经验) as he in matter of the heart.

  9. So that the appearance of Florentino Ariza was for them another of the ________(众多打发沉闷时光的消遣方式).

  10. For despite her austere conduct and penitential habit, Aunt Escolastica had ________(行为/思想的本能) and ________(使命感/天职), which were her greatest virtues, and the mere idea that a man was interested in her niece awakened an irresistible emotion in her.