Edit me


  • petrify
  • delirium
  • bird droppings


  1. ________(她的血液因...沸腾) with the need to see him.

  2. His mother ________(劝阻他做某事) handing Fermina Daza his seventy pages of compliments.

  3. This uneasiness ________(涌上了她的心头).

  4. It was an ________(室外的) repetition of the scene he had witnessed the first afternoon in the sewing room.

  5. Encouraged by the impetuous thought that this was an arranged opportunity, Florentino Ariza crossed the street and stopped in front of Fermina Daza, so close to her that he could detect the ________(因情绪而导致的声音的梗塞) in her breathing and the floral scent that he could identify with her for the rest of his life.

  6. But he ________(保持镇定) and replied without hesitation: “Get it!”.

  7. Fermina Daza did not raise her eyes to him, but she looked all around her and saw the deserted streets in the heat of the dry season and ________(落叶被风吹起来形成的漩涡).

  8. Then, conscious that their time was almost over, she again ________(恢复原先的镇定,似乎是某种掩护).

  9. She taught her to communicate in ________(手语) .