Edit me


  • digression
  • plebeian
  • vivacious
  • prodigious
  • amplitude


  1. His visits soon began to ________(有一种尴尬的阖家团聚的氛围), for Dr. Urbino Daza and his wife would sometimes appear as if by accident, and they would stay to play cards.

  2. His wife, on the other hand, was vivacious and ________(有一股老百姓式的机灵) that ________(给她的优雅增添了一点人情味).

  3. Uncle Leo XII had experienced great annoyance in this regard, and Florentino Ariza himself had suffered the humiliation of being asked to leave when he was already sitting at the table as the guest of one of the founding members, for whom Florentino Ariza had ________(帮了他很大的忙) in the area of river commerce, and who had no other choice but take him elsewhere to eat.

  4. She also told him that after school she had often spent long hours in the notions shop with Transito Ariza, ________(做精美的活) of embroidery, for she had been a notable teacher.

  5. Before he ________(谈到自己意图的重点之前), Dr. Urbino Daza ________(偏离主题) on the subject of aging.

  6. When she answered a second time, he decided to go much further than in their ________(间接迂回) Tuesday conversations.

  7. She told him that they had been childhood friends, playmates from the time of her arrival from San Juan de la Cienaga, and that he had ________(教她认字), for which she was forever grateful.

  8. Then he succumbed to the temptation of giving vent to his feelings ________(连讽带刺).