One of the German mastiffs, maddened by a sudden attack of rabies, had torn to pieces every animal of any kind that
, until the gardener from the house next door found the courage to face him and________(剁成肉酱)
with his machete. -
Perhaps she would eventually have lost all hope of ever seeing an animal in the house again if it had not been for the thieves who, early one morning,
a bathroom window and made off with the________(银餐具)
that had been in the family for five generations. -
But he opposed the purchase of a fierce dog, vaccinated or unvaccinated,
, even if thieves were to steal everything he owned. -
Fermina Daza, whose
had become more subtle with the years,________(揪住丈夫用词的疏漏不放)
. -
That was how the local firemen learned to
other emergency services, such as________(撬开门锁)
or killing poisonous snakes, and the Medical School offered them a special course in first aid for minor accidents. -
But it suited her figure –
and still slender and erect, her resilient hands without a single________(老年斑)
, her steel-blue hair bobbed on a slant at her cheek.