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  1. They had agreed upon a ________(1比索象征性的收费) fee of one peso, which she did not take and he did not hand to her, but which they put in the ________(小猪存钱罐) until enough of them had accumulated to buy something charming from overseas in the Arcade of the Scribes.

  2. He had the ________(强烈的预感) that they were going to take many Sunday siestas together.

  3. But she ________(有着野猫似的不安分的天性), which were more indomitable than the strength of her tenderness, and this meant that both of them were condemned to infidelity.

  4. He considered it ________(一件幸运的事) that among so many hazardous encounters, the only woman who had made him taste a drop of bitterness was the sinuous Sara Noriega.