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  • coquettishness
  • infirmary | HOSPITAL
  • larval | larval war
  • purser | steward


  1. He insisted, with ________(呼吸困难), and she offered him her other cheek, with a coquettishness that he had not known when she was a schoolgirl.

  2. The Widow Nazaret, who ________(口无遮拦), had told him in a cruder way: “Now we stink like a henhouse.”

  3. America Vicuna, ________(处在极度低落中) because she had failed her final examinations, had drunk a flask of laudanum stolen from the school infirmary.

  4. Instead of the screeching of the parrots and the riotous noise of invisible monkeys, which at one time had ________(使得晌午令人窒息的热度更为炙热), all that was left was the vast silence of the ravaged land.

  5. There was no one else: the woodcutters had ________(离弃了小路), ________(逃避) the ferocity of the lords of the earth, fleeing the invisible cholera, fleeing the ________(隐秘战争) that governments were bent on hiding with distracted decrees.

  6. Then he insisted again, and she offered him her lips, she offered her lips with ________(来自深处的颤抖) that she tried to suppress with the laugh she had forgotten after her wedding night.

  7. He would calm his ________(股东们/生意伙伴): “Don’t worry, by the time the wood is gone there will be boats fueled by oil.”

  8. He consoled himself with the thought that he must ________(散发味道) the same odor, except his was four years old.

  9. There were so few places for ________(装载) wood.

  10. They tolerated each other because they were ________(势均力敌): my odor against yours.

  11. At five o’clock he was beginning to ________(打瞌睡).