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  • snake charmer
  • relish
  • taciturn


  1. ________(流着血水的脓疮)

  2. She made a long and detailed tour with no planned itinerary, stopping with no other motive than ________(她沉浸在事物本身不慌不忙的喜悦中).

  3. In the French cosmetics shop, as she was buying Reuter soaps and balsam water, they put ________(少量) the latest perfume from Paris behind her ear and gave her a ________(口气清新片剂) to use after smoking.

  4. He could not understand why no one was as disturbed as he by the ________(高跟鞋[踩在路面上发出的]声音) on the paving stones.

  5. She ________(淹没在擦皮鞋小伙热情的叫卖声中) and the bird sellers, the hawkers of cheap books and the witch doctors and the sellers of sweets who shouted over the din of the crowd.

  6. But, indifferent to the uproar, she was captivated on the spot by a paper seller who was demonstrating magic inks, red inks ________(呈现血液一般质感的), inks of ________(带来悲伤的感觉) for messages of condolence, phosphorescent inks for reading in the dark, invisible inks that revealed themselves in the light.

  7. She tasted it, and was chewing it as her eyes wandered over the crowd, when ________(她惊讶得呆住不动了) on the spot.

  8. She turned her head and saw, ________(在她眼前一只手的距离开外), those other glacial eyes, that livid face, those lips petrified with fear, just as she had seen them in the crowd at Midnight Mass the first time he was so close to her.

  9. Florentino Ariza never had another opportunity to see or talk to Fermina Daza alone in the many ________(偶然的相遇) of their very long lives until fifty-one years and nine months and four days later, when he repeated his vows of eternal fidelity and everlasting love on her first night as a widow.

  10. Fearing a decision fatal to her son, Transito Ariza ________(放下自尊) and asked Fermina Daza to grant her the favor of five minutes of her time, and Fermina Daza received her for a moment in the doorway of her house, not asking her to sit down, not asking her to come in, and ________(没有表现出一丝丝软弱).