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  • thoroughbred
  • scourge
  • itinerary


  1. They often encountered ________(几队) ________(骑兵) under the command of an officer, who ________(聚拢) new recruits by roping them as if they were cattle on the hoof.

  2. I’m ________(一个西班牙国民).

  3. Lorenzo Daza ________(下了大赌注), because his sweetheart was the ________(这个地区典型家庭的宠儿).

  4. Fermina Sanchez, however, ________(对...的愿望下了决心) with the ________(盲目的决心) of love when it is opposed, and she married him ________(不顾家庭的反对), with so much speed and so much secrecy that it seemed as if she had done so not for love but to cover over with a sacramental cloak some premature mistake.

  5. Her cousin Hilderbranda Sanchez, two years older than she and with the same imperial haughtiness, was the only one who understood her condition as soon as she saw her, because she, too, ________(沉溺于一段莽撞但烈火般的爱情).

  6. No sooner had they dismounted in the stables than the reception rooms were ________(一群陌生的亲戚蜂拥而来) whose unbearable effusiveness was a scourge to Fermina Daza, for she was incapable of ever loving anyone else in this world, she suffered from ________(久坐马匹产生的疼痛), she was dying of fatigue and ________(腹泻), and all she longed for was a solitary and quiet place to cry.