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  • enfeebled
  • flank
  • bludgeoned


  1. She ________(喜欢上了[某人/某事]) to the soap operas from Santiago de Cuba that she waited with impatience for each day’s new episode.

  2. Fermina Daza, who never cried over the soap operas on the raido, had to ________(抑制住抽泣中的泪珠).

  3. The story, published in enormous ________(大写字母) in an ink the color of the blood, fell like a thundering cataclysm on the enfeebled local aristocracy.

  4. Justice attacked her ________(一个薄弱环节): her father’s business.

  5. This was ________(一连串线索中的最后一环) that led to Lorenzo Daza as the final link in a vast international operation.

  6. It said that during one of the many civil wars of the last century, Lorenzo Daza had been the intermediary between the government of the Liberal President Aquileo Parra and one Joseph T.K. Korzeniowski, a native of Poland and a member of the crew of the merchant ship Saint Antoine, sailing under the French flag, who had spent several months here trying to ________(达成一笔不清不楚的军火交易).

  7. She had long ago given up smoking, whether locked in the bathroom or anywhere else but she ________(故态重萌).

  8. Anyone else would have asked himself ________(未来能够带给他们什么) for a lame old man whose back ________(长着鞍疮火辣辣地疼) and a woman who longed for no other happiness but death.