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  • renunciation | renounce
  • litany | litany of his insomnia
  • mishap | without mishap


  1. This was ________(不和谐的音符) in the harmony of the house, which they had managed to overlook ________(没有什么碰撞).

  2. When she disembarked with her goddaughter in San Juan de la Cienage, she ________(唤起她性格中的坚韧) and recognized the town despite all the evidence to the contrary.

  3. The sediment that had accumulated at the bottom of her life over the course of so many years had been stirred up by the torment of her jealousy and had floated to the surface, and ________(这让她刹那间苍老了).

  4. So the mere thought of revisiting her ________(年少时常去的地方) consoled her in her unhappiness.