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  • rancor
  • ineluctable
  • decrepit
  • stigma


  1. Besides, his brother’s widow had died the year before, still ________(感到痛苦/伤心) from rancor but without any heirs. And so he gave the job to his ________(四处游荡/不安定的) nephew.

  2. He had the voice of a galley slave, untrained but capable of impressive ________(音域).

  3. He had ________(白手起家), like his dead brothers, and all of them went as far as they wished despite the stigma of being illegitimate children, and even worse, illegitimate children who had never been recognized.

  4. He presented himself unannounced in the office of Uncle Leo XII, President of the Board of Directors and General Manager of the River Company of the Caribbean, and expressed his willingness to ________(听从他的排遣).

  5. His uncle was angry with him because of the manner in which he had ________(丢弃了好职位) of telegraph operator in Villa de Leyva, but he allowed himself to ________(被他坚定的看法动摇了) that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.

  6. When he was not occupied with the administration of his decrepit vessels, still afloat ________(由于...完全的疏忽) ________(由命运之神[主导的]]), or with the problems of river navigation, which grew more and more critical every day, he devoted his free time to the enrichment of his lyric repertoire.

  7. They were the ________(精英) of what in whose days was called the “shop-counter aristocracy” whose sanctuary was the Commercial Club.

  8. But he was not ________(一个涉世未深的人), either: everyone who crossed his path suffered the consequences of the overwhelming determination, capable of anything, that ________(藏在他那无助的外表下).

  9. The day that Florentino Ariza saw Fermina Daza in the atrium of the Cathedral, in the sixth month of her pregnancy and ________(完全适应作为上流女性的新角色), he made a fierce decision to win fame and fortune in order to ________(配得上她).