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  • dexterity
  • synopsis


  1. But he knew that ________(任何一个寻常的疏忽), the slightest nostalgic indiscretion, could revive the unpleasant taste of the past in her heart.

  2. It had to teach her to think of love as a state of grace: not the means to anything but ________(有始有终,在自身中构成闭环).

  3. In the beginning, the frequency of his letters was ________(影响 / [意译为取决于]) by the dexterity of his fingers: first one a week, then two, and at last one a day.

  4. He was happy about the progress made in the mail service since his days as ________(初创者), for he would not have risked being seen every day in the post office mailing a letter to the same person, or sending it with someone who might ________(吐出内情).

  5. After the first month he began to number the letters and to ________(在顶端加上标题) them with a synopsis of the previous ones, as in the ________(连载小说) in the newspapers, for fear that Fermina Daza would not realize that they had a certain continuity.

  6. Whenever Fermina Daza at last was convinced that there was no other remedy for her solitary widow’s yearnings than to ________(放下吊桥[引申为愿意和他有联系]) for him.

  7. ________(翘首以待) a favorable reply, he began a second renovation of his house so that it would be worthy of the woman who could have considered herself its lady and mistress from the day of it purchase.

  8. She had ________(加强她的嗅觉、提高她的手腕) so that she could ________(找出) the miserable whore who had ruined her life.

  9. ________(他的思维陷在对未来幻想的混乱之中), he did not realize that women can become adults in three days, and that three days had gone by since he had met her boat from Puerto Padre.

  10. The chauffeur did not know, of course, that the additional letters were blank pages that Florentino Ariza ________(寄给自己), for he had never ________(保持私人通信) with anyone.