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  • protagonist
  • perpetrator
  • absolve


  1. And the dramas he had read so often regained their original magic when he replaced the imaginary protagonists with people he knew in real life, reserving for himself and Fermina Daza the roles of ________(阴差阳错的恋人).

  2. The assault had been so rapid and so triumphant that it could only be understood not as a sudden madness caused by boredom but as the fruit of ________(长期精心筹谋的计划) and ________(落实到每一处细节).

  3. The assault had taken place in the last cabin, but this ________(与...相通) the one next to it by a door, so that the two rooms had been converted into family sleeping quarters with four bunks.

  4. Despite ________(线索错综复杂), Florentino Ariza soon ________(排除可能性) that the oldest had been the perpetrator of the assault, and ________(迅速地) he also absolved the youngest, who was the most beautiful and the boldest of the three.

  5. She did not ignore him, however, even when he was asleep, but would rock the cage, singing love songs under her breath while ________(她的思绪早就飞到这趟悲伤旅行的九霄云外)

  6. And he ________(做出故意的无礼行为) of changing his seat in the dining room so that he would face her.

  7. And then he took the step he had not dared to take during the preceding days: he waved goodbye to Rosalba, and the three women responded in kind, with a familiarity that ________(深深伤害/刺痛) because his boldness came too late.

  8. Then he felt alone in the world, and the memory of Fermina Daza, ________(藏在暗中) in recent days, ________(给了他致命的一击).

  9. On the contrary, the more he ________(探索/查考) the search the further he felt from the truth.

  10. And so the most difficult hours passed for him, at times in the person of a timid prince or a paladin of love, at other times ________(回到他伤痕累累的皮囊,变成一个被遗忘的恋人), until the first breezes began to blow and he went to doze in the lounge chairs by the railings.