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  • rap
  • sumptuous
  • limbo


  1. The fake gypsies who offered to ________(通过人的掌纹来算命).

  2. One night, however, Fermina heard him come in. She heard his cossack’s step on the stair, his heavy breathing in the second-floor hallway, his pounding with ________(手掌) on her bedroom door.

  3. Her former schoolmates were ________(在将她拒之门外的天堂), ________(最重要的是/首先) after the dishonor of her expulsion.

  4. But she soon realized that her proposals were ________(没结果/没效果), and for a very simple reason: there was no one to invite.

  5. She had replaced Aunt Escolastica with so much fervor and so much grace that Fermina confused them ________(达到了爱上她的程度).

  6. Hildebranda wanted to open the house, ________(通风), bring in her father’s musicians and fireworks and castles of gunpowder, and have a Carnival dance whose gale winds would ________(把表妹的沉闷一扫而光).

  7. And from there they viewed the entire historic city, the broken roofs and the decaying walls, the rubble of fortresses among the brambles, ________(岛屿的踪迹) in the bay, the hovels of the poor around the swamps, the immense Caribbean.