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  • insipid
  • disparate


  1. Before they entered the bay, the enormous white ocean liner from France passed very close to them, all its lights blazing as it ________(留下...的踪迹) tender stew and boiled cauliflower.

  2. They were spread over ________(如此大的地方) that you could not ________(看到它们的尽头).

  3. If he had not dived down to the ________(货仓) with all its treasure, it was because he did not have enough air in his lungs.

  4. But she was so accustomed to his ________(诗意的夸张) that she celebrated the adventures of the galleon as one of ________(他最大的成就).

  5. Then what had to happen sooner or later happened: Florentino Ariza asked his mother for help in ________(为他的冒险画上一个成功的句号).

  6. He learned to direct the light and ________(用镜子来烧旺火), and on several occasions, when the lighthouse keeper could not do so, he stayed to keep watch over the night at sea from the tower.

  7. But there were many clients who came every Sunday to ________(为...争抢) the telescope for the pure delight of tasting the insipid forbidden fruits of the walled area that was ________(阻碍了他们).