Edit me


  • liquidate
  • imperious
  • stench


  1. The villages ________(在灰烬中醒来) and the fields in ruins.

  2. And at the age of twelve she ________(精通现实生活中的事物) that would have allowed her to ________(操持家务) without the help of her Aunt Escolastica.

  3. When his daughter finished primary school with highest marks in every subject and ________(荣誉奖) at graduation, he understood that San Juan de la Cienaga was ________(对于他的梦想来说太狭隘了).

  4. Then he liquidated lands and animals and moved with new impetus and seventy thousand gold pesos to this ruined city and its ________(过时/破旧的荣耀), where a beautiful woman with an old-fashioned upbringing still had the possibility of being reborn through a fortunate marriage.

  5. On the third day a mule maddened by gadflies fell into a ravine with its rider , dragging along the entire line, and the screams of the man and his pack of seven animals tired to one another continued to rebound along the cliffs and gullies for several hours after the disaster, and continued to ________(多年以来在她的回忆中回响) of Fermina Daza.

  6. He dipped he end of his cigar in the anisette, ________(猛吸) it and drew no smoke, then concluded in a sorrowful voice: “Get out of our way!”

  7. But ________(尽管如此), I cannot answer without knowing what she thinks.

  8. Then Lorenzo Daza leaned back in his chair, his eyelids reddened and damp, and ________(他的左眼球在眼眶里转了几下) and stayed twisted toward the outside.