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  • insatiable
  • vice
  • mundane
  • uninhibited


  1. But he ________(没有区别对待): he read ________(所有遇见的东西[这里指书]).

  2. And the better ________(押韵有节奏) they were, and the more heartrending, the more easily he learned them.

  3. They were the original source of his first letters to Fermina Daza, those ________(不成熟的) endearments taken whole from the Spanish romantics, and his letters ________(延续着那种风格) until real life obliged him to concern himself with matters more mundane than heartache.

  4. She was young, but haggard and ________(比年龄要老).

  5. A ________(少不更事的) sweetheart had taken her there when she was young and after enjoying her for a time, ________(抛弃了她,让她听由天命).