At first they played after supper at seven o’clock, with a reasonable ____(让子/让分)
for Jeremiah de Saint-Amour because of his notable superiority, but the handicap was reduced until at last they played as equals.Highlight
In any event, he was always an expensive and exclusive doctor, and his patients ____(集中于)
in the District of Viceroys.Highlight
His daily schedule was so ____(井井有条)
that his wife knew where to send him a message if an emergency arose in the course of the afternoon.Highlight
But he had not returned to the Parish Café since ________________(新世纪伊始)
, and he had attempted to organize national tournaments under the sponsorship of the Social Club.Highlight
Furthermore, while the most ____(严苛/讲究的)
families were satisfied if their drivers had a clean shirt, he still required his coachman to wear livery of faded velvet and a top hat like a circus ringmaster’s, which, more than an anachronism, was thought to show a lack of compassion in the ________(夏天最热的时期)
of the Caribbean summer.Highlight