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  • milieu
  • hamlet
  • volcanic
  • inopportune
  • inflexible


  1. To accommodate the unexpected travelers, the Captain, a giant from Curacao, ________(呼吁) the passenger’s indigenous sense of patriotism.

  2. In ________(夹杂着...) Spanish and Curacao patois, he explained to Florentino Ariza that the man in evening dress was the new plenipotentiary from England, on his way to the capital of the Republic; he reminded him of how that kingdom had provided us with decisive resources in our struggle for independence from Spanish rule, and that as a consequence no sacrifice was too great if it would allow a family ________(如此显赫的) to feel more at home in our country than in their own.

  3. Florentino Ariza was awake most of the night, thinking that he heard the voice of Fermina Daza in the fresh river breeze, ________(用关于她的回忆来慰藉自己的寂寥), hearing her sing in the respiration of the boat as it moved like a great animal through the darkness, until ________(第一缕玫瑰色的晨光在地平线出现) and the new day suddenly broke over deserted pastureland and ________(雾气弥漫的沼泽).

  4. After three days of ________(顺流), however,it became more difficult to navigate between inopportune sandbanks and deceptive ________(急流).

  5. First the bodies of two men went by, one of them without a head, and then a very young girl, whose ________(美杜莎一般的头发) undulated ________(在船行驶后留下的涟漪中).

  6. He had left behind his violins, for he ________(认为它与他的不幸有着密切的关联), but his mother had obliged him to take his petate, a very popular and practical bedroll, with its pillow, sheet, small pewter chamber pot, and ________(蚊帐), all of this wrapped in straw matting tied with two hemp ropes for hanging a hammock in an emergency.