When they recalled this episode, now they had
, neither could believe the astonishing truth that this had been the most serious argument in fifty years of living together, and the only one that had made them both want to abandon their responsibilities and begin a new life. -
That memory often returned to her as the years weakened the stream, for she never could
his wetting the rim of the toilet bowl each time he used it. -
this physical difficulty inspired Dr. Urbino with the ultimate solution: he urinated sitting down, as she did, which kept the bowl clean and him in a state of grace. -
He tried, of course, while she helped him put his legs into his trousers and
the long row of buttons on his shirt. -
She was accustomed to her husband’s unfathomable capacity for astonishment, his exaggerated opinions that became more incomprehensible as the years went by, his narrowness of mind that was
his public image. -
But this time
. -
She had supposed that her husband held Jeremiah de Saint-Amour
not for what he had once been but for what he began to be after he arrived here with only his exile’s rucksack.