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  • fickle
  • dawdle
  • transgressor
  • frivolity
  • relapse


  1. He would not admit that ________(和妻子之间的困难源于家中压抑的气氛), but blamed them on the very nature of matrimony: an absurd invention that could exist only ________(承蒙无限天恩).

  2. It was against all scientific reason for two people to share two destinies that perhaps were ________(注定背道而驰).

  3. They had left behind the ________(令人愉快的巧合) of her coming in while he was taking a bath, when, despite the arguments and the poisonous eggplant, and despite his demented sisters and the mother who bore them, he still had enough love to ask her to soap him.

  4. She began to do it with ________(零星的一点点爱) that still remained from Europe, and both allowed themselves to be betrayed by memories, softening without wanting to, desiring each other without saying so, and at last they would die of love on the floor, spattered with fragrant suds, as they heard the maids talking about them in the laundry room: “If they don’t have more children it’s because they don’t fuck.”

  5. She would dawdle in the bathroom, rolling her cigarettes in perfumed paper, smoking alone, ________(重新陷入) her consolatory love as she did when she was young and free in her own house, mistress of her own body.

  6. The Governor of the Province made an appointment with Juvenal Urbino in his office to ________(把他岳父最近的越轨行为都告诉了他), which he summed up in a single sentence: “There is no law, human or divine, that this man has not ignored.”

  7. Some of his most serious ________(罪行) had been carried out ________(利用他女婿名声的荫蔽), and it would have been difficult to believe that he and his wife knew nothing about them.

  8. Dr. Juvenal Urbino intervened ________(凭着他全部威望的影响力), and he succeeded in covering up the scandal with his word of honor.

  9. In order to avoid questions she did not ________(服丧/戴孝).

  10. ________(在这世俗化轻浮的天堂里,最主要的标志是对未知的恐惧)..

  11. She had made this sudden discovery with the clarity of a revelation when, ________(拖着她那长长的裙裾), she had entered the vast salon of the Social Club.

  12. Dr. Urbino, for his part, ________(赢得尊重) with the same weapons that were used against him, except that his were wielded with more intelligence and with calculated solemnity.