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  1. Good-humored, always ________(面带微笑), he seemed ________(喜欢一切正当的娱乐却不沉迷其中).

  2. He had a soldierly bearing, very erect, and ________(喜欢/具有或标示...的喜好) a military style of dressing; his snow-white hair was always brushed to perfect smoothness.

  3. “I wouldn’t say that. He had a weak chest and he used to play the trombone in the town band. ________(对肺不好), blowing a trombone.”

  4. His room at the hotel ________(面向/朝向...) a small side street and there were always several cats sleeping in the shadow of the walls.

  5. In fact, the only habit he was known to have was that of ________(结交) of the Spanish dancers and musicians who abound in our town.

  6. But an unusual type of chronicle, since the writer seems to ________(特意/故意做某事) understatement, and at first sight we might almost imagine that Tarrou had a habit of observing events and people ________(从望远镜的另一端[观察事物]).

  7. All the same, it is undeniable that these notebooks, which form a sort of ________(散文一样的日记), supply the chronicler of the period with ________(大量/许多) seemingly trivial details which yet have their importance, and whose very oddity should be enough to prevent the reader from ________(匆匆忙忙对...做出判断) this singular man.

  8. “I couldn’t say exactly. Some kind of fever. Of course, he never was what you might call fit. He got abscesses under the arms, and they ________(把他弄死了), it seems.”

  9. ________(你别这么说)!

  10. Tarrou ________(在他的描述中穿插了一些对话) overheard in streetcars and in the streets, never adding a comment on them except—this comes somewhat later—in the report of a dialogue concerning a man named Camps. It was a chat between two streetcar conductors.