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  1. Yes, an element of abstraction, of ________(与现实的分离), entered into such calamities. Still when abstraction ________(开始做某事) killing you, you’ve got to get busy with it.

  2. And so much Rieux knew: that this wasn’t the easiest ________(行为/做法).

  3. “Please don’t doubt I understand you,” Rieux said, “but you must see your argument doesn’t ________([论点或理论]符合逻辑/站得住脚). I can’t give you that certificate because I don’t know whether you have the disease or not.”

  4. Rieux asked him to let him know how he got on with his project, and not to ________(心怀怨恨) for not having been more amenable. He was sure, he added, that ________(在某些方面他们是能够达成一致的). Rambert looked perplexed.

  5. “Because there are thousands of people ________(有着和你一样的处境) are in this town, and there can’t be any question of allowing them to leave it.”

  6. But was he right in reproaching him, Rieux, with living in a world of abstractions? Could that term “abstraction” really apply to these days he spent in his hospital while the plague was ________(靠别人养肥自己[贬义]) the town, ________(将死亡人数提升至500) a week?

  7. The journalist ________(拉紧领带).

  8. Rieux was silent for a moment, then said he understood it perfectly. He ________(非常希望某事发生) that Rambert should be allowed to return to his wife and that all who loved one another and were parted should come together again.