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  1. On the other side, ________(越过几条街) and the unseen harbor, their gaze came to rest on the horizon, where ________(海天一线,汇成了一片模糊又不断起伏的灰白色).

  2. “A pleasant spot,” said Rieux as he ________(坐到椅子上).

  3. “I brought off everything I ________(着手/参与), I ________(才华出众), I got on excellently with women, and if I had occasional qualms, they passed as lightly as they came.

  4. “In short, he wasn’t at all ________(特立独行) and, now he’s dead, I realize that, while ________(不是什么伪君子), he was a very decent man ________(人能成为的样子).

  5. “He ________(介于中间地带/两者之间), that’s all; he was the type of man for whom one has an affection of the mild but steady order—which is the kind that ________(经久不衰).

  6. “Could you tell me offhand how to get from Briançon to Chamonix? Even a stationmaster would scratch his head, I should say. Well, my father ________(立即回答). Almost every evening he enlarged his knowledge of the subject, and he prided himself on it.

  7. “He wasn’t ________(一位模范丈夫). I know that now, but I can’t say it shocks me particularly. Even in his infidelities he behaved as one could count on his behaving and never gave rise to scandal.

  8. All that could be seen of him was a dark, bulky form outlined against the glimmering sky. He had much to tell; ________(下面是他所说的大概内容).

  9. Then, settling into the chair beside Rieux, he fixed his eyes on his face. Three times the glow spread up the sky and ________(减弱/消失). A faint clatter of crockery rose from a room opening on the street below. A door banged somewhere in the house.

  10. They found nobody on the terrace—only three empty chairs. On one side, as far as eye could reach, was a row of terraces, the most remote of which abutted on ________(一团黑漆漆、崎岖的物体) that they recognized as the hill nearest the town.