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  1. He looked like a ________(胆小的/胆怯的) owl ________(被吓得不知所措) by too much light.

  2. And I did not really wake up until my father rose to ________(在法庭上发言).

  3. ________(他必须接受最严厉的刑罚),” was the ________(惯用语句/套话).

  4. “The most he did to me was to ________(启发) ________([连贯的]思路/思绪). When I was seventeen my father asked me to come to hear him speak in court.

  5. “There was a big case on at the assizes, and probably he thought I’d see him ________(有利于某人/是某人的优势). Also I suspect he hoped I’d be duly impressed by the pomp and ceremony of the law and encouraged to take up his profession.

  6. In his red gown he was another man, no longer genial or good-natured; his mouth ________([气势汹汹地/咄咄逼人地]说) long, turgid phrases like ________(一长连串) snakes.

  7. “But I’m ________(把话题扯远了) and attributing too much importance to that ________(值得尊敬的/有价值的) man. Actually he played only an indirect role in the great change of heart about which I want to tell you.

  8. And though I can’t say Iquite forgot my father, something seemed to grip my ________(愿意重要的,这里是重要的内脏的意思) at that moment and riveted all my attention on the little man in the ________(被告席或犯人栏).

  9. He wound up by letting me have my way – he was, as I’ve said, a kindly man ________(实质上/实际上) – gave me a lecture on the silliness of wanting to ‘live my life’ (that was how he accounted for my conduct and I didn’t ________(使醒悟/明白真相) him), and plenty of good advice.