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  1. At this point Tarrou’s handwriting began to ________(衰退,这里是变得模糊不清的意思) oddly; indeed, the following lines were almost illegible.

  2. One day the doctor was moved to tell him that, though the statistics were highly promising, it was too soon to say definitely that we were ________(脱离险境/摆脱困境).

  3. Tarrou ________(着重/强调) above all on Mme. Rieux’s self-effacement, her way of explaining things in the simplest possible words, her predilection for a special window at which she always sat in the early evening, holding herself rather straight.

  4. Everyone was struck by his abrupt changes of mood during the first three weeks of January. Though normally he ________(不遗余力地做某事) to make himself liked by neighbors and acquaintances, now, for whole days, he deliberately cold-shouldered them.

  5. On these occasions, so Tarrou gathered, he abruptly cut off outside contacts and ________(郁郁寡欢地过上了离群索居的生活).