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  1. The magistrate rolled his round eyes a little and tried to ________(把一绺头发压平).

  2. There was no room in any heart but for a very old, gray hope, that hope which keeps men from letting themselves ________(无意间进入/不知不觉陷入) death and is nothing but a dogged will to live.

  3. Yes, the plague ________(不重视/不同情/不受重视/不受同情) indeed, and they must set their shoulders to the wheel again. Throughout December it smoldered in the chests of our townspeople, fed the fires in the crematorium, and peopled the camps with human jetsam.

  4. In short, it never ceased progressing with its characteristically jerky but unfaltering stride. The authorities had optimistically ________(指望/依赖) the coming of winter to halt its progress, but it lasted through the first ________(寒冷时期) without the least remission.

  5. However, he noticed a change at this stage of the epidemic, now that the plague was ________(越来越显露出肺炎的特征); the patients seemed, after their ________(方式/样子), to be ________(配合医生).

  6. “Well, as a matter of fact, I’m ________(想请些假).”

  7. But no one dared to ________(打招呼/致意/请求) them welcome-in the God of former days, bringer of gifts, and old as human sorrow, yet new as the hopes of youth.

  8. Indeed, Christmas that year had none of its old-time associations; it ________(带着...的意味) hell rather than of heaven.

  9. Tarrou continued to bring his quiet efficiency to ________(to have an effect on (something)) every problem. Rambert ________(向...吐露秘密) the doctor that, with the connivance of the two young guards, he was sending letters to his wife and now and then receiving an answer.