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  1. “But I can’t ________(平复自己的情绪); it’s the end of my phrase that’s worrying me, I don’t seem able to sort it out.”

  2. Actually neither Rieux nor Tarrou had ever gathered the impression that those avenues were “flowery,” but Grand’s conviction on the subject ________(动摇了他们的信心) in their memories.

  3. Next he showed some anxiety about the adjective “handsome.” In his opinion it didn’t convey enough, and he ________(要做某事/打定主意做某事) looking for an epithet that would promptly and clearly “photograph” the superb animal he saw with his ________(想象/记忆场景的能力).

  4. His department suffered, and his chief ________(严厉责备或批评某人), pointing out that he was paid to do certain work and was failing to do it as it should be done.

  5. “Beautifully groomed” had tempted him for a moment, but it was curbrous and made the rhythm ________(无力的/无生气的) somewhat.

  6. This will ________(提供) to the truth its due, to the addition of two and two its sum of four, and to heroism the secondary place that rightly ________(落到[某个位置]) it, just after, never before, ________(追求幸福的高尚要求).

  7. A serious view was taken of ________([工作上的]疏忽).