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  1. Window awnings were ________(摆动) widely.

  2. ________(汗水使他的头发贴在了他倔强的额头上).

  3. After dinner Rieux and his mother ________(坐在他们的位置上) at the sick man’s bedside.

  4. In this struggle Tarrou’s robust shoulders and chest were not his greatest assets; rather, the blood that had spurted under Rieux’s needle and, in this blood, that something more vital than the soul, which no human skill can ________(揭露/披露/暴露/解法).

  5. Luck was an ally he could not ________(摒弃/不再需要/不再用).

  6. It launched attacks in unexpected places and retreated from those where it seemed definitely ________(应该是进入/进驻的意思). Once more it was ________(试图得到/或做) ________(使有阴影/破坏) counsel.

  7. They were in flight before a distant ________(颤动/跳动,这里是指雷声) which gradually approached until the street was loud with the clamor of the downpour; another rain squall was sweeping the town, mingled presently with hailstones that clattered on the sidewalk.

  8. ________(人行道上响起了脚步声), ________(越来越近,又逐渐消失); people were taking advantage of the ________(雨歇) to hurry home.

  9. You’d better have some rest now, as you’ll have to ________(接替我/接我的班) at eight. ________(记得滴药水) before going to bed.