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  1. In the same way, whenever possible, ________(小分队) had been moved out of barracks and billeted in schools or public buildings.

  2. Since martial law had been declared and the guards might, from a certain angle, be regarded as ________(现役/战时服役中), they were awarded posthumously the military medal.

  3. The authorities had the idea of segregating certain particularly affected central areas and permitting only those whose services were indipensable to cross the cordon.

  4. ________(摆脱/抛掉) their balance by bereavement and anxiety, they were burning their houses under the odd delusion that they were killing off the plague in the holocaust.

  5. Attempts made by the authorities to redress this leveling-out by some sort of hierarchy—the idea was to confer a decoration on guards who ________(死在岗位上)—came to nothing.

  6. But though the prisoners raised no protest, strong ________(反对) was taken ________(军界), and it was pointed out, logically enough, that a most regrettable confusion in the public mind would certainly ensue.

  7. The monks in the two monasteries of the town had been evacuated and lodged for the time being with ________(虔诚的宗教家庭). In the same way, whenever possible, small bodies of men had been moved out of barracks and billeted in schools or public buildings.