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  1. Rieux took his arm and was ________(带领/引领) him on when he noticed that Grand was trembling violently.

  2. A lunatic ________(整个/全部/总地).

  3. The only light came from a lamp over the bar, ________(沉重的空气) had a curious reddish tinge, and for no apparent reason everyone was speaking in undertones.

  4. He seemed to be ________(他逐步为[困难的事]做准备) to say something, and when he spoke, ________(滔滔不绝地讲起来).

  5. And it ________(有着如此深远的影响) as to lead one to suspect that only now had the true nature of their situation dawned on our townspeople.

  6. That queer whistling overhead seemed to ________(更加有力了).

  7. Grand began to show an animation unlike his usual self, and his voice ________(因为喝了酒变得激情起来).

  8. To the doctor’s surprise Grand asked for a small glass of ________(纯酒), which he drank off at a gulp. “Fiery stuff!” he observed; then, a moment later, suggested making a move.