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  1. To tell the truth, all that’s ________(在我的知识面/能力范围内之外).

  2. The soul of the murderer is ________(盲目的/不理智的).

  3. It might be only that the concierge, like nearly everyone in the town, was ceasing to ________(操心他的工作). The doctor had no time to ________(进一步思考); Tarrou’s voice came from behind him.

  4. “He ________(成功完成/做成了/这里意译为抓住了) his one-in-three chance, that’s all.” Rieux had lowered his voice. “But you’re right; we know next to nothing on the subject.”

  5. ________(说出你的想法), Tarrou!

  6. However, it is not the narrator’s intention to ascribe to these sanitary groups more importance than their due. Doubtless today many of our fellow citizens are ________(有...的倾向) yield to the temptation of exaggerating the services they rendered.

  7. These groups enabled our townsfolk to ________(着手处理/开始掌握、理解) the disease and convinced them that, now that plague was among us, it was up to them to do whatever could be done to fight it.