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  1. Rieux shared his hope that a vaccine made with ________(培养) of the bacilli obtained locally would take effect more actively than serum coming from outside, since the local bacillus differed slightly from the normal plague bacillus ad defined in textbooks of tropical areas.

  2. Plague is here and we’ve got to ________(与之抗争), that’s obvious.

  3. Other teams of volunteers accompanied the doctors on their ________(巡诊), ________(照料/处理) the evacuation of infected persons.

  4. He had said yes without a moment’s hesitation and with the large-heartedness that was ________(他的第二天性).

  5. And Tarrou, Rieux, and their friend might give one answer or another, but its conclusion was always the same, their certitude that ________(进行斗争), in this way or that, and there must be no ________(卑躬屈膝).

  6. Thus it was only natural that old Dr. Castel should ________(坚持不懈/持之以恒地做某事) with unshaken confidence, ________(不遗余力), at making anti-plague serum on the spot with the makeshift equipment at his disposal.

  7. They began to take a genuine interest in the laborious literary task to which he was applying himself while plague ________(在他周围弥漫). Indeed, they, too, found in it a relaxation of the strain.

  8. All this involved the ________(维持) of registers and statistics, and Grand undertook the task.

  9. That, too, is why it was natural that Grand, who ________(和英雄扯不上关系), should now be acting as a sort of general secretary to the sanitary squads.