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  1. Father Paneloux was lying quite still; his face had lost its deep flush of the previous day and had now a deathly pallor, ________(更多[用于强调]) impressive because the cheeks had kept their fullness.

  2. He replied that he was ________(病得很重), he did not need a doctor, and all he wished was to be taken to the hospital, so as to comply with the regulations. Panic-stricken, she hurried to the telephone.

  3. As in other years a cool wind blew all day, and ________(大片的云朵从地平线一头奔向另一头), ________(投下阴影) over the houses upon which fell again, when they had passed, the pale gold light of a November sky.

  4. They were no longer the forsaken to whom, one day in the year, you came to ________(为...辩解/辩护,这里是指释怀). They were intruders whom you would rather forget. This is why the Day of the Dead this year was tacitly but willfully ignored.

  5. However, in the afternoon she made another attempt to talk to the priest, but she could ________(从他口中得到的也不过是寥寥几个胡乱说出的词组). She ________(重新提出建议) to call in the doctor.

  6. As Cottard ________(冷冰冰地) remarked – Tarrou noted that the habit of irony was growing on him more and more.